
The way to Sakhal.

As my Bible reading plan was scheduled to read Psalm 64,
I read it in Japanese and in Hebrew after that.

Having read in Japanese, I clearly felt that the verse 9 and 10
are meant to be the conclusion of Psalm 64.
And when I read it in Hebrew, I found that there is a “word map” hidden in verse 9 and 10.
In verse 9, you see “Sakhal” that is a word means “to discern” or “to perceive”.

In verse 10, you see “Samakha” that means “to rejoice”, “Hasah” that means “to refuge”
and “Hallal” means “to be proud of” or “ to praise”.
The word of “Sakhal” (discerning) seems as if it is consisted by those three words in verse 10.

Discerning YHWH’s plan can be done only by rejoicing His Love toward you,  being sheltered under His Wings, and by be proud of your being straight toward His Face.

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Ryo Discovers the World 最終回 五妃街と神農街

Rei and Ryo's Taiwan review, the last chapter. 一ヶ月に渡ってお送りした、台湾シリーズの最終回です。