This is a letter that means "stock room" or "store" in Japanese.The first scripture came to my mind is this....
[Mattityahu (Matthew) 12:35](Orthodox Jewish Bible)
The ish tov (good man) out of the good otzar (treasure) brings forth good; and the ish rah out of the evil otzar brings forth evil.here the word "otzar"אוֹצָר means "treasure" but also "store" in Hebrew.
Then my mind was brought to Mattityahu (Mathew) 6.
[Mattityahu (Matthew) 6:19
Do not store up for yourselves otzarot (treasures) on haaretz, where moth and rust destroy and where ganavim (thieves) break in and steal."otzarot" is the plural form of "otzar".
First I thought Japanese translation is closer to Hebrew sense but as I meditated further, I thought 「倉」is a wrong letter to be fit Matt 12:35.
But for originally this letter symbolizes the wealth. It is more like tower to western people. The letter is shaped like tower. 倉 is a stock room limited for rich people, 納戸 is on the other hand a stock room for poor. Poor don't need to have 倉 for they haven't got much to stock. And 倉 is therefore some time tend to be the symbol of ego. It is indeed the "tower".
this is a letter means treasure.
The "otzarot"(treasure) in scripture Matt 6:19 is translated as "treasure" 「宝」in Japanese Bible.
This letter means exactly "treasure" or "precious".
It was originally designed as follows,
It is a combination of "three jewels"「玉」, "shells" 「貝」and "wine pots"「缶」. In ancient Japan, the shells were used as currency.
As you can see in my picture,you can see a roof covers the contents. This letter itself consists the meaning of the container, the stock room, not only the contents.
What excites me is the fact that I can see the letter 「玉」"Jewels" in 「寶」. If you see it just like that, it is 「王」king with a dot. But it is truly three jewels that were stringed by one thread. Three jewels are for me "Father", "Son" and "Holy spirit". And 「玉座」means "throne" that is the "King's seat". You see the letter of 「玉」Jewels rather than 「王」 the letter that directly means king. This shows that Three Jewels also mean the King. And it looks quite similar to 「羊」. This means the sheep or lamb! Hallelujah!
And in this treasure stock, you have also wine pots. Wine is the symbol of ELOHIM's blessing, the very blood of Messiah that was shed on the cross.
And the Jewels and the Wine Pots are placed on top of the "shell"-the money!
The correct letter for Matt 12:35 is more 「寶」even though in modern Japanese language it doesn't make sense any more. You need to have a store that has not only money but on top of it, it should have ELOHIM and His Blessings. That is "ish tov" that bring forth good things.
Just to say a bit more... if we look at this letter,
compare to this letter that means shell.
Can you see the difference? It is only "a line away" difference.
The letter 「具」, a letter with one line added to 「貝」shell, is an interesting letter. That means lots of things.
1. prepared
2. instrument, tool
3. contents
4. fullness
5. preciseness
For me, these are the key words that describes the Israelis, the ELOHIM's people.
Imagine that you were served a bowl of stew. And you want to know what's in it. In Japanese, you will ask " What is 「具」 in this?" It is pronounced as "gu".
And this letter was designed as this....
It is a pair of hands dedicating shells. What are the shells? They are money or treasures, in other words, what they gained, obtained, or the glory.
But be careful.
This letter 「愚」is also pronounced as "gu". It means "fool".
And this letter 「偶」which is 「イ」(symbol of human) added on the left side of 「愚」means "idol". This is also pronounced as "gu".
Do not worship the religion. The religion called "Christianity" or church sounds very like Ecclesial of Messiah but it is not. Ecclesial is the Body of Messiah. The institute called "Church" (krios) are not always Ecclesial.
Yochanan (John) 10:27
My Tzon (Lamb) hear my voice, and I have da’as (knowlege) of them, and they follow me.
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